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Bookmobile and Homebound Delivery


Bookmobile-Library on Wheels

Allen Parish Bookmobile makes scheduled stops in the outlying areas of Allen Parish. During Bookmobile stops, anyone may check out items from the bus (it’s a library on wheels). You can also request items in advance from our libraries and pick them up during scheduled stops. Scheduled stops often include programs and activities for youth, as well as a friendly conversation with your favorite outreach librarians.

Through the Bookmobile service, the library hopes to serve those with transportation difficulties, as well as those with busy schedules that prevent visiting the branch.


Homebound Delivery

Homebound Delivery

Allen Parish Libraries offer free Homebound delivery to Allen Parish residents who are unable to come to the our library due to medical or transportation difficulties. 

  • Are you a resident of Allen Parish?

  • Do you have an Allen Parish Library Card that's in good standing?

You Maybe Eligible 

For Homebound Delivery Services, complete the application form below and submit it by mail, fax, email, or returning it to one of our local branches.

Patron can also call and have one of the staff fill out the application and submit it for them.

Need Homebound Service?


320 S. 6th Street Oberlin, La. 70655
Phone: (318) 491-4543.TOLL FREE: 1-800-960-3015
Fax: 337-639-2654


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