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How DO I?

Nous voulons que votre expérience ici soit aussi agréable et facile que possible. Pour rendre les choses claires et conviviales, nous avons répertorié les réponses à certaines des questions les plus fréquemment posées dans une section concise. Consultez notre FAQ ci-dessous et contactez-nous si vous avez besoin d'informations supplémentaires.

  • Who is eligible to receive a library card?
    Allen Parish Library Full Access Cards are free to anyone who is a resident of Allen Parish. Electronic Use Only Cards are available for patrons 13 & up who only wish to use the computer reservation system or other online databases. We also offer temporary Allen Parish Library Electronic Access Only Cards for patrons who reside outside of the parish. Libraries Southwest Cards are available to residents of Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Jefferson Davis, & Vernon Parish.
  • How do I get a library?
    Visit: -Go to any of our three Allen Parish Library branches (Oberlin, Kinder, or Oakdale) or download the application online. Requirements: -Present a Photo ID. - Provide proof of residence in Allen Parish. - Sign and date the application agreeing to be responsible for borrowed materials. For Patrons under 18: -Must be registered by a parent or guardian. -If not accompanied by a parent/guardian, take the application home along with a consent form and return it signed with a copy of the parent/guardian’s ID. Electronic Access Only Card: -Requires a Photo ID. Louisiana Southwest Card: -Needs a Photo ID and proof of address. Usage: -The same library card is valid at all three Allen Parish Library branches.
  • Can I get a library card if I do not live in Allen Parish?
    Patrons who reside out of Allen Parish can only obtain an Electronic Assess Only Card that allows them to assess the computer reservation system or other online databases(Photo ID is required).
  • Why do I need a library card?
    The library card allows borrowing privileges, in-house computer/internet use, and remote reference database access. Once a card is issued, the patron must present the card to borrow materials and to use the computers.
  • What is a Library Southwest Card & Why do I need it?
    An LSW card allows you to check out items from the following parishes: Jeff Davis, Calcasieu, Cameron, Beauregard, Vernon, Allen, and Rapides. Residents of any of these parishes may apply for an LSW card at their home parish library. This card does NOT give you access to other parish library’s digital materials, just the physical items, and each parish library may have different checkout rules that apply.
  • What happens if my card is lost or stolen?
    Cardholders are responsible for notifying the library if their card is lost or stolen. Cards reported lost or stolen are deactivated immediately. Cardholders are responsible for any materials checked out on the card until it is reported lost or stolen. A police report may be required before the cardholder’s record will be cleared. Lost or stolen cards are not reactivated. Lost or stolen cards presented for use are destroyed. A new library card must be issued. The cost for a lost card is 50 cents. There is no cost for a stolen card. All checkouts or loans attached to the lost or stolen card will be transferred to the new card.
  • How long is my library card valid?
    Patrons are required to renew their Allen Parish Library Card every year.
  • How long is the check-out period?
    All items can be borrowed for a period of two (2)weeks.
  • How many items can I borrow at once?
    Books-25 Audiobooks-25 Games-3 DVDs-3
  • How do I renew library materials?
    Library material may be renewed a maximum of two times. Materials for which there are pending holds or reserves, however, may not be renewed. If the item you renew is overdue a fine will be posted to your account. You may renew material online by accessing your Patron Account through Allen Parish Libraries Online Catalog. Renewals may also be done over the phone or in person at any Allen Parish Library Branches.
  • Can I return my items at any branch?
    Library materials checked out from any Allen Parish Library may be returned to any of its 3 branches. Items may be returned in person or through a book drop outside of or connected to the facility.
  • What is an Interlibrary Loan(ILL)?
    An Interlibrary Loan(ILL) involves the borrowing and lending of materials between libraries. Allen Parish borrows materials not found in the local collection on behalf of our patrons.
  • Who can borrow an Interlibrary Loan(ILL)?
    Allen Parish Library will accept and process Interlibrary Loan(ILL) requests only for people 18 years of age or older with a regular Allen Parish Library Card in good standing.
  • How long does it take to receive an Interlibrary Loan(ILL)?
    The time it takes to receive an Interlibrary Loan(ILL) varies and could be up to a week or two to receive materials.
  • How long can I keep an Interlibrary Loan(ILL)?
    Interlibrary loan items are eligible for a two (2) weeks loan period.
  • Can an Interlibrary Loan be renewed?
    Yes, an Interlibrary Loan(ILL) can be renewed.
  • How many items can I borrow from Interlibrary Loan(ILL) at one time?
    Cardholders are limited to five(5) active ILL requests at any given time.
  • What type of materials can I borrow through Interlibrary Loan(ILL)?
    Books DVDs Magazines
  • Are there computers available to use at the library?
    Yes, all three of our branches have public computers with full internet access for you to use. Users must be familiar with the Electronic Resource Policy.
  • Do I need a library card to use the computer?
    A patron does not need a Full Access Library Card but they are required to get an Electronic Access Only Card which allows them to access the computer reservation system.
  • Is there a limited time on the computer?
    Yes, because of the limited number of stations, computers are assigned 90 minutes but if needed sessions can be extended.
  • Is there a charge to print?
    Single black & white print/copy- .50cents per copy Double-sided color print/copy- $1.00 per copy Single color print/copy- .50cents per copy Double-sided color print/copy- $1.00 per copy Legal Documents Single black & white print/copy- .50cents per copy Legal Documents Double-sided black & white print/copy- &1.00 per copy Legal Documents Single color print/copy- $1.00 per copy Legal Documents Double-sided color print/copy- $2.00 per copy
  • Does the library offer faxing services?
    Yes, faxes can be made and received at any Allen Parish Branch location. Although, if you are receiving a fax at any library branch you must be present at the time.
  • Is there a charge to fax?
    Local Faxes- $1.00 per page Long Distance Faxes- $3.00 for 1st page/ $1.00 for each additional page 800-FREE THERE IS A .25CENTS CHARGE FOR THE CONFIRMATION PAGE!
  • Do you have meeting rooms and are they available to the public?
    Yes, we have meeting rooms at each one of our branches. Use of the meeting rooms is for the community and non-profit groups and organizations for meetings that are educational, cultural, or civic in nature. Meeting room reservations are considered on a first-come basis no more than two (2) months ahead of time. Anyone using the meeting room must comply with Meeting Room Policy and Procedures.
  • Does it cost to use the meeting room?
    There is no fee for the use of the meeting rooms. The person applying must have a current Allen Parish Libraries card in good standing.

320 S. 6th Street Oberlin, La. 70655
Phone: (318) 491-4543.TOLL FREE: 1-800-960-3015
Fax: 337-639-2654


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